WELCOME TO THE OCEAN WAY CONDOMINIUM OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. It's more than a community... IT'S A LIFESTYLE To help save a life, in a medical emergency, please view this short (3) minute AED video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG9Ndi0HELY
The Ocean Way website has been designed to be user friendly, intuitive, and provide owners with access to important information about their community. Here are a few things you can do:
Contact a Board Member or the GM
Review Board Meeting Minutes
Download Forms
Reference the Governing Documents
Review the Calendar of Events
Submit a Room Rental Reques
and much more
The website has two main sections: 1. PUBLIC - General information available to anyone. 2. MEMBERS - Specific information available only to owners.
To access the "Member" section of the website, you will first need to sign-in on the OWNERS tab. Once your login, you will receive an e-mailed reply. Please do not share your login information. EACH LOGIN IS UNIQUE TO EACH OWNER AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS ARE LOGGED. Sharing your login will result in revocation to this website.
Please know that the OWCA website is fully secured and provides easier access to information. In addition, the site provides management with the ability to respond much quicker to questions, comments, and requests. That being said, we hope you enjoy "surfing" the new Ocean Way website!